
Women are an important part of the conservative movement and The Regressive Party. hey're not just in our kitchens and behind a desk in front of our corner offices. They're beside us in the voting booth. The fairer sex has never been more important to winning elections than they are today. And we need to tell our story so they can understand that we are on their side.


Abortion has been brought up time and time again as a Women's Rights Issue. We all know it isn't. But we need to tell our story the right way so that women can understand that it isn't. It's not just about their bodies. It's about our seed. And our future conservative children. Pregnancy can be scary and emotional, so it's up to us to help women through it to help take America back We've repealed Roe v Wade. Let's celebrate and do more! Trump can outlaw mail order abortion pills on his first day in office via the Comstock Act. We need to give him the tools to go even further, like technology to detect when a female is thinking about abortion so we can LOCK HER UP!


Rape has turned into a legitimate issue. And many liberals argue that conservatives just don't get it. But if we tell our story right, we have ways of shutting that whole thing down. Together, we can work with young girls on appropriate ways to behave and dress so they can find their future husbands and avoid the situations that lead to unfortunate misunderstandings. Imagine a world where dating is as happy and trouble-free as the 1960s! We can make it happen!