The Gays (But Not The Rest of the Letters)

Homosexuality was introduced in New York City in the year 1963 and has been a growing group of individuals in the United States ever since. It is important that we, as conservatives, embrace this important voting block. Not physically, of course. But we need to stay true to our Christian values as we do, and help tell the proper story so The Gays can understand what's best for everyone.

Gay Marriage

Marriage is a biblical institution between one man and one woman and we can't change that. However, we can give The Gays certain rights to be able to share property and have a Gay Union of sorts to express their sin-based love for each other in a socially acceptable way.

Trans People

The topic of trans rights is a perfect one for us to fight. It's an 'other' that all our members can feel comfortable blaming for all of society's woes, because it certainly can't be *our* fault.