
Racism in America is over now that the first black president was apparently elected, even if he won't show us his birth certificate. But our work is just beginning. Black and brown people were wary of the Republican Party, so it's up to us to tell the right story to get them on board the new Regressive Party.

Reverse Racism

Now that 'regular' racism has been cured, we need to focus on a far more insidious problem: reverse racism. For the unfamiliar, that's RACISM AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE! Yes, there was slavery, the civil war, the Trail of Tears, lynchings, the backlashes to the civil rights movement, Jim Crow, internment camps, and more... but white people shouldn't be made to feel bad about it in school by being forced to learn about it!

Understanding Redistricting

Redistricting has been painted in a bad light by the liberal media, so it's up to us to ensure that other races know that it's being done for their own good. Rather than having some say in a lot of districts, they get ALL the say in their own gerrymandered district that is separate but equal from all the others. Everybody wins!

Understanding Voter ID

In a 5 year period, 86 people were convicted of voter fraud. That's 86 people who voted who should not have, showing that voter fraud is absolutely rampant throughout much of the country. trong Voter ID laws in multiple states have been introduced to prevent these crimes. While it is true that this could impact millions of poor minority voters, it is important to remind them that they can simply pay for a picture ID like the rest of us, a testament to equality!