
The United States is the best country in the world, and capitalism is the best expression of freedom, but our economy is in deep trouble. Even though Republicans have consistently increased the debt while Democrats have reduced it, it doesn't *FEEL* like that's the case. And, as we all know, our FEELINGS Trump their facts. For proof of that, look no further than our stock ticker DJT. With $4 million in revenue last year, $58 million in losses, and under 500,000 active users on Truth Social, we've got a market cap of 8 BILLION DOLLARS 6 BILLION DOLLARS 5 BILLION DOLLARS.

As every economist knows, lowering taxes always decreases debt. Yet, the Democrats refuse to work with us and block us at every turn. But that's going to change! In 2025, we will work with party members and sympathizers to lower taxes and cut moocher programs like welfare, medicare, public parks, student meals, music, art, and more. We're also keeping our eye on the series of tubes known as the Internet as it may hold the key to lowering taxes even further.

Together, we can take America back, as far as we can!