
The United States is a Christian nation founded by Christian men. We observe Christian values and respect Christian morality. That's why In God We Trust has always appeared on our national currency and why "One nation, under god" has always been in our Pledge of Allegiance. Our Christian founding fathers designed it that way to remind us every day.

Lately, the lefty media has been attacking religion and attempting to keep it out of our schools, our government buildings and our offices. Together we can fight to ensure it remains. Fighting arm in arm against the evil onslaught of science and reason. We have survived attacks on Christianity through the world's full 10,000 year history and we will survive this, too.

While it is true we need to be respectful of our Jewish brothers and sisters as well as "Miscellaneous" religions, it is important to remind them that they are living in our Christian nation with our Christian laws under our Christian permission. Amen.

Image credit Joe Shlabotnik.